Together We Can Stop Diabetes!

Together We Can Stop Diabetes!

Sunday, February 26, 2017


Model Court is a tightly knitted family and empathy among its members is a defining trait.

So when a member underwent a chemotherapy procedure for breast cancer, the Honored Ladies of the Court led by the Royal Matron came together in a solid show of solidarity to one of their own. 

It was for her benefit and those who share the same predicament that the Court unanimously agreed to make breast cancer prevention advocacy a major priority project for next year.  

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


The school plans to improve its perimeter fence to secure its students and premises but it does not have enough funds to do so.

So Model Court teamed up again with Model Lodge and the Munoz Bodies (AASR) and raised enough funds to procure 30 bags of cement that were turned-over to the Kabulihan Elementary School in Sto. Domingo, Nueva Ecija for the improvement of their school perimeter fence.

It was a fitting finale to the Court's a year-long partnership with its host Blue Lodge and Scottish Rites Masons in community service and charity work.

Saturday, February 18, 2017


With its focal organizational development program almost concluded, Model Court shifted its membership recruitment to high gear with five new members joining its rooster during its February regular meeting.

Model Court warmly welcome HL Nenita B. Perez, the wife of SK Rafael S. Perez, and SK Rogelio Villamante, Jr. and HL Sarah Joyce Villamante from Model Lodge No. 373 who were initiated into the Order during a ceremony for such that was presided by the Royal Patron with HL Haydee F. Floro as Conductress.  

Also finally officially joining the Court are HL Haydee F. Floro and SK Manuel B. Francisco from Panatabangan-Bonari Court No. 46 whose petitions for affiliation were regularly elected by the members present.

At the same meeting, the month's birthday celebrants were also recognized and feted by the Royal Matron.

Welcome to Model Court and Mabuhay!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


On the Day of Hearts, Model Lodge and the Sir Knights of Model Court feted their Honored Ladies with a night out sans the the kids and cares of the world.

The Master of the Lodge himself, SK Fitzgerald Hierco, led in presenting three red roses each to the Honored Ladies and sisters in attendance in the first ever Valentine's Party to be organized by both the Lodge and the Court.

It was a "Model Lodge loves Model Court" thing but the spotlight is on the ladies of the Lodge and the Court.

In other words, "Sina Ateng and bida"!

And the Sir Knights made sure the Honored Ladies felt the love of that night.

It was also an opportunity to reach out to former members of the Court who came and graced the occasion, and hopefully encourage them to renew their membership.

And a moment of bonding with other members of Amaranthine Courts within the jurisdiction of District V.

On this night, Model Lodge and Model Court wishes all those who loved, have been loved, and are always in love wherever they are in the world!

Saturday, February 11, 2017


Model Court through its Royal Matron is proud to be part of the first ever Nueva Ecija Personal Essay Writing Workshop that was participated by 15 budding writers from Nueva Ecija who were selected to participate after a tough screening process. 

The Royal Matron helped raised funds to support the workshop including facilitating a meeting with Bro. Mario Salvador, San Jose City Mayor, who immediately provided much needed financial assistance.

The workshop was facilitated by US-based multiple Palanca awardee Wilfredo "Oyet" Pascual, Jr. who is also launching "Kilometer 0", a collection of his best personal essays. 

Wilfredo Pascual is a close friend of the Royal Patron who with their CLSU-affiliated friends helped mobilize support for that made the successful workshop possible.

Sunday, February 5, 2017


The Welcome Committee (03 February 2017)

DDGRP Ireneo Dones with Grand Associate Conductress Marita Dones III and the Royal Matrons of Pantabangan-Bonari Court No. 46 and Model Court No. 55 welcomes The Grand Royal Matron and Patron upon their arrival at the Philippine Center for Post-Harvest Development and Mechanization.  

The Convention (04 February 2017)

The Royal Matron with the advance party of the Court's delegation to the 11th District V Convention of the Order of the Amaranth under the jurisdiction of the Grand Court of the Philippines.

Model Court No. 55 and its incumbent Royal Matron and Patron were recognized as "Outstanding Court" (upper photo above) and "Outstanding Royal Matron and Patron" (lower photo above) during the 11th Convention of the Order of the Amaranth's District V.

The full delegation of Model Court with the Grand Royal Matron and the Grand Secretary (upper photo above) after the District Convention, and with other delegates from District V's subordinate Courts (lower photo above).

The Fellowship of the Amaranth 

Team 55 in cowboy attire during the post-Convention fellowship dinner tendered by DDGRP Preciline Bugtong-Andaya and DDGRP Ireneo Dones in honor of the Grand Royal Matron and Patron and their party.

Team 55 during their dance number of "Girls Dancing in a Saloon Bar" (upper photo above), and with the honorees of the Fellowship Dinner.

Saturday, February 4, 2017


As planned and promised, the Court opened its first corporate account under its name at the BDO Branch in the Science City of Munoz, Nueva Ecija.

Transforming the Court's financial safekeeping from an "alkansiya-type" practice to the secure and traceable banking system has been the core of the Royal Matron's organizational development priorities, and reflect the stabilizing financial condition of the Court.

The account will be under the authorized supervision of whoever will be elected as Royal Matron and Treasurer, and is the official depository of all the Court's financial assets.

Friday, February 3, 2017


In a fitting exclamation mark to one year of a fruitful partnership, Model Court with Model Lodge and the Munoz Bodies (AASR) donated mahogany seedlings to two of its adopted schools in Sto. Domingo, Nueve Ecija.

The Rogelio Valdezotto Elementary school is the recipient of the first 150 seedlings that will be planted in the school grounds...

...while another 150 seedlings were turned over to the Sagaba Elementary School that will be planted along the barangay road where a ceremonial tree planting was conducted by the Royal Matron and Master of the Lodge with the school principal and Barangay Captain.

The seedlings were made available through the efforts of VM Val Santos of the Munoz Bodies who was represented in the turn over by the Royal Patron.